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2 posts total
Amir E. Aharoni

Сижу я, значит, в аэропорту в Варшаве, жду вылета в Таллинн, ем гамбургер, пью пиво и читаю книгу на русском языке.

Официант спрашивает: «Это болгарский?»

Всё, русский язык отменён, а кириллица возвращена создателям.

Amir E. Aharoni

Lots of people say "It's so great that @wikipedia exists" or something similar, and for a good reason, but I'd like to say something slightly more precise:

It's so great that Wikipedians exist.


@aharoni @wikipedia do we know that Wikipedia is safe from enshitification? The foundation helps from the financial/billionaire risk. AI nonsense and bot-generated content seem to require constant gardening, but that human-powered requirement is going to increase.

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