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49 posts total
:umu: :umu:
@captainepoch is ACRA a self-hosted reporting?

I wonder if it works with native code, would be useful in Xash...
Hey guys!

I wanted to share a small update about this topic. No, I'm not ditching Husky development (at least not yet).

I've had a few personal problems the last few months. I couldn't spend time on the project because I was dealing with stuff at home and in my personal life.

Now that all of those ended, I can concentrate more in Husky. I've been working in adding ACRA (which is working perfectly), and I also have a pending patch from EDSNWRDS (thank you!).

Also, I have plans not related to the code I'll share soon.

Bear in mind that, because we're all humans, we have problems, and personally I'll always put first life, and then the rest of stuff.

Thank you for your understanding :hugs:
Hey guys!

I wanted to share a small update about this topic. No, I'm not ditching Husky development (at least not yet).

I'm playing with ACRA to see if it's a good tool to put inside Husky to get stacktraces by email.

F-Droid uses it, it seems to be working for the team (I guess).

Or maybe if a lot of crashes happen @amolith kills me :comfyeyes:

For the last time...

Stop mining Bitcoins while getting the dependencies for a project.

For fuck's sake... :blobcatflip:
@captainepoch I hate it.

I want Ant back. Or just use my script for Waf. Except these don't know about deps
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