recently, telegram has introduced an update that references "14/88", a nazi dogwhistle, in one of their posts, in the same manner they reference a 4/20 meme.
one of people from mastodon (dot) ml, ridiculed the assertion that telegram is referencing nazi dogwhistles, to the point that they tell people they're "seeing things"
@mynameistillian@aznas привет, извиняюсь что задел своими неаккуратными комментариями. не ссортесь
я не нацист или фашист, и ммл тут точно не причем. я не привык замечать значимые числа, поэтому посчитал это мелочью, это не означает что я оправдываю плохие движения.
so a group of russian queer activists residing in germany opened an official petition to the bundestag to help trans people from russia easily flee to germany. it's not some change org shit, it's literally on bundestag's website.
but the issue is, we need at least 50k votes for it to be reviewed
you don't have to be a citizen of germany for your vote to be considered. please take a second to vote. lives depend on your decision
so a group of russian queer activists residing in germany opened an official petition to the bundestag to help trans people from russia easily flee to germany. it's not some change org shit, it's literally on bundestag's website.
but the issue is, we need at least 50k votes for it to be reviewed
you don't have to be a citizen of germany for your vote to be considered. please take a second to vote. lives depend on your decision
"but how will i adjust to their new pronouns and identity??" dude everytime someone sends me money on paypal i see their deadname and i just erase it from my memory like i have never seen it. skill issue
@mynameistillian same thing, for instance i remember when dream did his face reveal he made a big thing out of it and i was just like "k cool, idc" lol
@mynameistillian my top tip for this is just to be completely awful at remembering names. I can barely remember anyone's name 5 minutes after they told me...
@mynameistillian @aznas привет, извиняюсь что задел своими неаккуратными комментариями. не ссортесь
я не нацист или фашист, и ммл тут точно не причем. я не привык замечать значимые числа, поэтому посчитал это мелочью, это не означает что я оправдываю плохие движения.