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8 posts total
WalterKühl :bagpiper:
Alex Jones says a crazy conspiracy theory.

* Few years happens *

Oh sht!

I have to take a shower now. I barfed all over myself when that fuck in the video said, "Banks are highly regulated, and trusted, they have advanced cybersecurity & privacy technology..."

The only truthful part of that exclamation was, #highly_regulated. Hang on a sec, I gotta puke again....

Um... Well at least #Canadians finally understand that they have never been a free people, but rather, merely subjects... Because #Silent_Bob_is_Silent.

Yah I managed to find some exploits in the bullshit #GlobalID initiative, which even at the time did its best to make sure you could not acquire a GlobalID without an #Android - but there were serious vulnerabilities.

I found a decrepit crowd sourced home rental listing site that accepted micropayments via #Coil, that is based on the #Interledger Foundation. Through that site's links to the GlobalID signup funnel, I was able to create over a dozen pseudonyms that I can choose to deploy in daily use at any time when, and a big if, GlobalID ever gains any prominence - which it will certainly not. Call me an early adopter.

The notion itself is still a #malignancy that isn't going to go away, and obviously, #digital_ID has already been ubiquitous for a couple of decades now - The ID/Drivers License in your wallet, and the passport you carry, is scanned to verify your identity by law enforcement, customs, and financial/government institutions, including whether you're entitled to remain free to move and go about your business or should be detained and incarcerated, or in the case of the Canadian serfs, as they have discovered, be allowed to participate or claim to have any ownership over their economic system.

Kinda fucked up. To wake up and discover that, in your blissful ignorance, the home you were told that you owned, the vehicles you drove, and the monetary #assets that you banked into a #government #regulated #financial system..... NEVER FUCKING BELONGED TO YOU!!!

Ignorance is bliss?

Wakey wakey bitches everywhere. Wearing masks that turn to skin, hiding what you could have been.

Everyone's heard, "Cash is king", a notion that was perhaps best demonstrated by #Queen_Jane of England, who in her short time as the Divine Right Monarch ordered that a #schilling be made out of silver once again.

There's a lot of wildly held disinformation about "crypto". Stupid shit, really. people actually think that it can be #regulated - it cannot. It cannot be taken from you by duress or force of court order, and no one can stop you from deciding to use it as your form of capital consideration in the transacting of day to day commerce. #Mises would be proud.

It can, however, at this particular juncture in time at least, be turned off. It's been done a few times already, one of the most famous I suppose could be when Hosni Mubarak effectively "Turned off the Internet" in Egypt. On a very small scale, #Crypto was turned off, for a time anyway.

The Next level of #decentralization and #defi in consensus and proof of stake blockchain technology needs to evolve as a #networking_topology. In some sense, in the #IPNRG we explored and experimented with live deployment with this sort of initiative in the #IRTF's #DTNRG. But one thing that's never been acknowledged, to my knowledge, is that we've been continuously using #delay_tolerant_networking technologies in day to day production operations for almost four decades with respect to #Fidonet, originally requiring a #Zone_Hour, prior to the coupling of Internetowrking technology stacks built upon TCP/IP.

We now have some very powerful vehicles to decouple the #cryptocurrency blockchains from Internet Protocol with the advent and adoption of other types of #DTN that leverage #BLE mesh networks.

Apple Computer, both independent of and in cooperation with, the Chinese government, are already leveraging 2.4GHz ISM for #Bluetooth_Low_Energy mesh networking in the most pervasive and comprehensive global mass surveillance operations ever imposed upon mankind. Wake up motherfuckers.

What needs to be preserved and protected are the manufacturing operations and software development of... let's call it, a "DeGoogled" platform of personal computing devices (You can say Android, or Bryck, or even consider the viability of what a Palm Pilot was). Devices such as the #PinePhone are a good **starting point** for prototypes that are resistant to dystopian #subjugation of personal computing freedoms - #FOSS itself is not enough, we need to protect, and demand, "Free and Open Source Hardware".

Most folks don't even realize that there's a #Clipper_Chip in their own computer! The #EFF has openly called #IME a backdoor - and worse? it is proven to be, and remains, an unlocked door inside ring −3!

Okay I figure I've rambled along enough. But I really don't see a problem with detaching oneself from regulated, monitored, and surveilled systems - an initiative that first digitally (no, I'm not talking about finger fucking) threatened our very existence with the attempt to make the #Clipper_Chip ubiquitous in everyone's home - something that has been effectively achieved by virtue of all of the welcoming shorn sheep that have adopted Alexis, Ring, Nest products, and Amazon Sidewalk into their lives.

I'll close with a rhetorical question:

"If you don't like having a dick in your ass, then why are so many people paying for the privilege of such a violation?"


#tallship #Vger #FOSH, #Privacy #Surveillance #dystopia #orwellian #despotism #authoritarianism #communism #dictatorship #dystopian #serfdom

I have to take a shower now. I barfed all over myself when that fuck in the video said, "Banks are highly regulated, and trusted, they have advanced cybersecurity & privacy technology..."
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