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6 posts total
Elisa Fadda-🔺

It's #Caturday and all is just fine here on #mastodon 😎 :ablobattention:

Elisa Fadda-🔺

Dressage is an olympic discipline 🤔 so here's our #Caturday question for all of you cats' friends: why not a cat-focused event?

String chasing is Salem's favourite and he would win gold biscuits (he says...)😎 :ablobcatbongo:

#CatsOfMastodon #Cats #BlackCat #Olympics #CatOlympics

Elisa Fadda-🔺

Special #Caturday Travel Report

York had an association with #cats for more than 2000 years. Brought to Britain by the Romans in the 1st Century AD, cats played a critical role in Eboracum (Roman York) which was at the heart of regional commerce. Merchants would have kept cats to protect their grain stores

The oldest cat statue of over 20 you can see in modern York dates from the 1920s (...) from The York Cat Trail guide

#CatsOfMastodon #York #England #UK #visitUK #BlackCats #Travel

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