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mpd & mpc & ncmpc on
#openbsd #freebsd

It's like a music streaming service, but offline, on your own computer with your own files.



Prophet of the Book of Links & Other Tales, paperback

While the children's book remains a best seller among the free people, it has been adopted as a holy text by a certain group of ascetic hackers.

#links2gang #unix_surrealism #fossangel #links2 #fediart #mastoart #art

Gonzalo Nemmi

@prahou I'm buying three copies right away.
One for me.
The second one to be preserved for future generations
The third one to lend to whomever can't afford it and shows an actual active interest on the path to enlightenment


The historically first #links2 #unix_surrealism wearable items, featuring the ominous #Fossangel from the children's book 'Prophet of the Book of Links & Other Tales'

It is true that the Fossangel is always watching, judging you quietly - now you can make its job easier by carrying it around and maybe take the time to try out the good browser. (there's a 25% off sale on redbubble right now)

#links2gang #analognowhere


Today in the gopherverse

@mattof and I were talking about the lack of some type of a gopher forum, originally hoping to set something up for the #oldcomputerchallenge

The talk resulted in this prototype of a forum 3.5chan

It's fairly functional already, but could use more testing

Give it a spin. Thank you!

The final version will probably exist elsewhere. triapul is 3.5 in czech



Today in the gopherverse

@mattof and I were talking about the lack of some type of a gopher forum, originally hoping to set something up for the #oldcomputerchallenge

The talk resulted in this prototype of a forum 3.5chan

It's fairly functional already, but could use more testing

Give it a spin. Thank you!


Today in the gopherverse:

I finished a new triapul gopher project - UNDERSIDE. It's a list of privacy respecting front ends for the surface web, sourced from the fantastic project, easily accessible via netcat (for example), so that it can be incorporated into custom scripts. Not just for gophernauts!

See the README for an idea how one can use it.


#gopher #privacy #foss

Today in the gopherverse:

I finished a new triapul gopher project - UNDERSIDE. It's a list of privacy respecting front ends for the surface web, sourced from the fantastic project, easily accessible via netcat (for example), so that it can be incorporated into custom scripts. Not just for gophernauts!


@prahou i was also an archer, then i took a pacman -Syu in my knee

h3artbl33d 🐡


Ironically, #OpenBSD-current ("bleeding edge") is so much more stable than "Linux stable" (CentOS, Debian) is and ever will be.



return to tradition: #fossangel in #uxn's #oekaki

'run whatever you want, what do I care...'

Despite its lackluster expression, intuitively you feel the angel has a preference, but you don't know what it is.

You're not sure who's side the monochrome divinity is on, but you hope it is the one you're on.

#unix_surrealism #monochrome #fediart #mastoart

Devine Lu Linvega

@prahou the angel is quick becoming one my fav characters.


I have compiled most, if not all, #technomage related single images, adjacent story lines and lore on the page:

I have yet to sort it and add proper descriptions, but to the impatient, you can delve in.

In the span of 2 years, since the mage first saw the light of the fediverse, I have created over 280 images (of varying quality).

Thank you, fans of #unix_surrealism, there would be no mage without you.

Brother Soul

@prahou These are SO Good. Made me laugh.

Big Up's



Today I'm going to show you a free front end for pinterest. If you like looking at images, you might find this useful.

You don't have to log in and you do not need javascript. Works fine with text browsers.

Host it yourself or check it out through the public instances listed on the github page.

#web #tutorial #links2gang


@prahou If you love your protocol—let it go and see what'd fly back :)


@prahou IDK, man. SIP makes me money and things you can do with it are just...not natural.


@prahou by the way, gopher internet protocol evolves. It is now called gemini protocol with some most important flaws fixed.


I open my mailbox for two things: fan-mail and the Analogon magazine. Today I recieved the 100th issue.

Analogon is the one and only surrealist revue in the Czech Republic, written, composed and produced by Czech and Slovak surrealists.

The first issue was released in 1969, following a prompt ban by the regime.

The second issue came out 21 years layer in 1990 and has been produced since.

#surrealism #czech

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