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134 posts total
Steve Thompson

Imagine the delight in turning your head to find this at your side. Bethany on #caturday.
#cat #cats #catsofmastodon #catsoffediverse

Steve Thompson

Linda again . . . what a lazy little sleepyhead.

#cat #cats #catsofmastodon

Steve Thompson

Mother Bethany and daughter Linda looking out together.
#cat #cats #catsofmastodon

Steve Thompson

"More than half of cats died after drinking raw milk from bird flu-infected cows"

"Cat deaths and neurological disease are 'widely reported' around farms where the H5N1 bird flu virus was detected, health officials say."

#cat #cats #birdflu #H5N1 #cows #milk #rawmilk

Steve Thompson

Whoops . . . there goes another one. Bethany this time.
#catnap #cat #cats #catsofmastodon

Steve Thompson

Learned who's been scratching up my record album covers.
#Bravery #cat #cats #catsofmastodon

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