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510 posts total
Mandu 🥟

feeling cute, might knock over everything you love later


Mandu 🥟

catnip not hitting right? try purr-cussive therapy.


Mandu 🥟

thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening me


Mandu 🥟

when your sibling's in a bind, but you're still figuring out the "heroic leap" thing


Mandu 🥟

ninja training, one dust particle at a time


Mandu 🥟

the all-you-can-eat buffet is no longer open for business


Mandu 🥟

your mission, should you choose to accept it: infiltrate the kitty clique, acquire treats, spoil cat world domination plans


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Judy Olo

Those little feet 💘💘💘 He's got the moves down 🐾🐾💕

Rachel Rawlings

@yurnidiot Being willing to wear that shirt cracked the disguise instantly.

Mandu 🥟

triple the floof, triple the snore, sundays are for catnaps galore


Mandu 🥟

asserting dominance with big spoon energy


Mandu 🥟

cat's got a case of the "bin there, done that" attitude


Mandu 🥟

me when i think i have things under control


Mandu 🥟

water in a bowl = meh.
water spilling from cup = challenge accepted.


Mandu 🥟

why are you always late for work??


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Traffic Cone Carlie

How can you have that many cats and not know how to lift a cat?

You don't put your hand around their body.

You use their neck scruff. The skin on the back of their neck.

But that is a damn funny video. 😆


@eyeinthesky vielleicht doch ganz gut, daß wir von schon älteren Katzen adoptiert wurden…

Mandu 🥟

alright, tiny orb, you've entered my domain... prepare for scrutiny


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