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hey do I have any German mutuals here that can help me try to get a 15 (16 in 4 months) year old trans girl, with a medical history including (ineffective) mental treatment (including ritalin and a 2 month stay at a psychiatric clinic) out of a messy and abusive home situation? (or at least better it somewhat) are there any legal protections she (or I on her behalf) can try to get involved?

(reblogs are greatly appreciated)

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@catgirlQueer Don't know if this route is applicable, but here's how I got out of a similar home situation in Berlin at age 20:
- got a legal advisor (not too hard, contacted the "Amtsgericht" I just had to explain why I wasn't capable of doing some stuff on my own)
- made that legal advisor contact the "Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst" for assisted living
- then everything just kinda happened on its own and I got out.
That's the main reason why I'm mentioning it - it almost feels like a cheating route for something I had been failing to pull off on my own without a legal advisor for years. So maybe worth a try.

@catgirlQueer Don't know if this route is applicable, but here's how I got out of a similar home situation in Berlin at age 20:
- got a legal advisor (not too hard, contacted the "Amtsgericht" I just had to explain why I wasn't capable of doing some stuff on my own)
- made that legal advisor contact the "Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst" for assisted living
- then everything just kinda happened on its own and I got out.
That's the main reason why I'm mentioning it - it almost feels like a cheating route...

Jennie Kermode

@catgirlQueer Have you contacted TransInterQueer in Berlin? Wherever she is, they're well connected and may be able to assist.

0mega 🕱 [hz]
@Catelyn Was für ne Scheiße... Außer dem Jugendamt wüsste ich keinen Rat. Ich wünsche euch jedenfalls alles gute, die arme muss da raus so wie das klingt:(
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