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For my birthday, I'd really like it if my beloved fedi could spread word far and wide of Kitsune Tails. It's a platformer with a heartwarming story featuring queer main characters and personal discoveries in classic SMB3 style. You can find trailer, screenshots, and wishlist links here:

It's coming out this year and the team and I have been working hard on it for several years now. Most of the team is queer in some form so by boosting you'd not only be making me happy on my birthday, but supporting a bunch of queer creators making queer art as well

For my birthday, I'd really like it if my beloved fedi could spread word far and wide of Kitsune Tails. It's a platformer with a heartwarming story featuring queer main characters and personal discoveries in classic SMB3 style. You can find trailer, screenshots, and wishlist links here:

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@eniko happy birthday!!! 🎁🎉🎂🎈


@eniko Happy birthday!!! We are super looking forward to finally playing Kitsune Tails! I hope you and your team are having a good one 🎂 🎉 🎁


@eniko Happy birthday! I'm very looking forward to Kitsune Tails, I quite enjoy following your updates on the game :tuturu:

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