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2 posts total
Roger Bidon

Hey I heard you'd love a decent C compiler for the 6502 but feared compiling GCC ...

Problem resolved, here's a binary release of gcc-6502:

(If someone feels brave, a Windows build would make for an awesome PR ☺️ )

#nesdev #c64

Felix Palmen 📯

@RogerBidon serious question, assuming you have to write mostly "targeted" code anyways (because a #mos6502 just won't reasonably run 98% of today's existing C code), what's the edge of a #GCC targeting this platform over e.g. #cc65?

If there's a real advantage, I might be tempted to bring this to #FreeBSD...

F4GRX Sébastien

@RogerBidon there's also a sdcc for 6502. It might be less complex than gcc.

Roger Bidon

New music by Tuï.

Inspired by Pepper&Carrot, it matches Pepper's playful way of adventuring 😁

License: CC-BY
Illustration by Margarita Gadrat.

Roger Bidon

@davidrevoy Si tu aime les créations dérivées. Voilà une musique (chiptune) et une illustration inspirées par Pepper.

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