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43 posts total
Kydia Music

If you can’t handle me at my goofiest,
You don’t deserve me at my floofiest.

Happy Thursday!

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #Thorsday #ThorToots #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Catstodon #Cats #Cat #RagdollCats #Caturday

Kydia Music

Resident Nudist Doots would like to remind you to drink plenty of water and wear as little clothes as possible to stay cool.

Happy Dootsday!

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #DootsToots #Dootsday #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Catstodon #Cats #Cat #LynxPointSiamese

Kydia Music

Here is probably the best picture of Doots I’ve ever taken. I thought maybe y’all needed to see it today too. I just took it last night while we were playing.

Go play with your cat. You’ll feel better.

If you are a cat, go play with your human.

Happy Dootsday!

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #Dootsday #DootsToots #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Cat #LynxPointSiamese #OneEyedCats

Kydia Music

If you can’t handle me at my struggliest,
you don’t deserve me at my snuggliest.

Happy Thorsday!

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #Thorsday #ThorToots #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Cat #Caturday #CatsOfFediverse #RagdollCats

Kydia Music

Happy Thorsday!

Thor spent a good 10 minutes rolling around on this fresh-out-the-dryer fleece blanket. What he does next will shock you.

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #ThorToots #Thorsday #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Cats #Cat #Caturday #RagdollCats

Kydia Music

Happy Dootsday!

Doots was sleeping in my lap and I noticed he had his left front paw tucked into the pocket of my hoodie. 🥹

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #DootsToots #Dootsday #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Cats #Cat #LynxPointSiamese

Kydia Music

Happy #Caturday!

Today is your #LokiDay!

When we adopted Loki he was about a year old. One evening, I was playing with him when he suddenly stopped and charged at the big picture window, jumping up and flinging himself against it spread-eagle because he noticed a moth sleeping on the other side of the glass.

The brain cell is strong with this one.

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #LokiToots #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Cats #Cat #OneOrangeBraincell #OrangeCats

Kydia Music

My spouse spoils Doots by putting his food dish in the kitchen window so he can sort of dine al fresco and watch the birdies. 💀 :smug:

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #DootsToots #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Cats #Cat #Caturday

Kydia Music

You’d have this much swagger too, if someone told you every day of your life that you were a very pretty boi.

Happy Thorsday!

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #Thorsday #ThorToots #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Catstodon #Cats #Caturday #RagdollCats

Kydia Music

Happy Caturday!

I can’t remember who, but someone on here was asking if Thor had a mighty voice like his namesake. And…he does not 😹

He is a pathetic whiny baby and this is how he sounds most of the time.

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #ThorToots #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Catstodon #FediCats #CatsOfFediverse #Cats #Cat #RagdollCats

Kydia Music

I wish the kitties could have seen the Aurora Borealis last night. Doots is especially fascinated by the way lights dance across our ceiling, reflected from our water glasses and phones.

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #DootsToots #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #LynxPointSiamese #CatsOfFediverse #Cat

Kydia Music

Does anyone have any tips/experience trimming the ruff of long-haired cats? Thor’s majestic wizard beard is getting so long it gets stuck in his mouth when he tries to groom himself; he literally cannot pull his head back far enough to release it from his mouth.
I tried using safety scissors a bit but couldn’t get good angles to do a good job. Any tips on how to hold him steady or certain techniques I should try would be appreciated!

#AllCatsAreBeautiful #ThorToots #CatsOfMastodon #Cats

Does anyone have any tips/experience trimming the ruff of long-haired cats? Thor’s majestic wizard beard is getting so long it gets stuck in his mouth when he tries to groom himself; he literally cannot pull his head back far enough to release it from his mouth.
I tried using safety scissors a bit but couldn’t get good angles to do a good job. Any tips on how to hold him steady or certain techniques I should try would be appreciated!

Kydia Music

March Madness Doots’ version LETSGOOOOO!!!

Vote for the name of the town you would want to live in, of which Doots would be the very distinguished mayor.

Doots is my very dapper-looking cat, for those of you who might not know. You can see pictures of him by clicking on the hashtag #DootsToots

*More polls will be forthcoming, until we’ve narrowed it down to the top pick in each poll, where each winner will advance to the next round.

Anonymous poll


48 people voted.
Voting ended 20 March at 6:37.
Kydia Music

Time for another March Madness: Doots Edition poll!
(Find first poll above, if it's not over.)

Vote for the name of the town you would want to live in, of which Doots would be the very distinguished mayor.

Doots is my very dapper-looking cat, for those of you who might not know. You can see pictures of him by clicking on the hashtag #DootsToots

*More polls forthcoming, until we’ve narrowed it down to the top pick in each poll, where each winner will advance to the next round.

Time for another March Madness: Doots Edition poll!
(Find first poll above, if it's not over.)

Vote for the name of the town you would want to live in, of which Doots would be the very distinguished mayor.

Doots is my very dapper-looking cat, for those of you who might not know. You can see pictures of him by clicking on the hashtag #DootsToots

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