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mikołajczyk, podobno

🧵📐 Let’s talk about optical centering and visual balance in UI design. This post has been making the rounds about iOS 18’s flashlight Live Activity, and it’s probably time we have The Talk.

About precision vs perception in interface design, that is.

A screenshot of a tweet from a user called "TheAppleDesign" posted on September 20, 2024. The tweet says "iOS 18 new flashlight is not in center. Miss you Jony Ive & Steve Jobs." It includes three screenshots of the iOS 18 flashlight with gridlines to show that it's off-center.

Some users have pointed out that the flashlight icon in the Live Activity isn’t mathematically centered. At first glance, this might seem like an oversight. But this is a deliberate choice, rooted in centuries-old design principles.

The iOS 18 Flashlight live activity. Vertical gridlines are drawn on either edge of the flashlight icon, with another gridline running down the exact middle of the screen, labeled "true center of device." The flashlight is slightly nudged over to the left of the "true center."
mikołajczyk, podobno

🇳🇱245 wetenschappers uit 31 landen maken korte metten met op handen zijnde #chatcontrol +++ “ineffectief, fout-positieven, vernielt end-to-end encryptie, disproportioneel, in strijd met fundamentele rechten, nieuwe gaten in de beveiliging” +++

Zweden🇸🇪 +++ NLD🇳🇱 en ITA🇮🇹 beslissen binnenkort +++

Vecht nu voor het digitale briefgeheim: 💌🔐

🇳🇱245 wetenschappers uit 31 landen maken korte metten met op handen zijnde #chatcontrol +++ “ineffectief, fout-positieven, vernielt end-to-end encryptie, disproportioneel, in strijd met fundamentele rechten, nieuwe gaten in de beveiliging” +++

Your private messages will be watched. It's for your own good.
mikołajczyk, podobno

🇩🇪245 Wissenschaftler aus 31 Ländern zerreißen die drohende #Chatkontrolle in der Luft +++ "ineffektiv, Falschpositive, zerstört Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung, unverhältnismäßig, grundrechtswidrig, neue Sicherheitslücken" +++

Schweden🇸🇪 entscheidet heute trotzdem ZUZUSTIMMEN +++ NLD🇳🇱 und ITA🇮🇹 entscheiden in Kürze +++

Kämpfe jetzt für das digitale Briefgeheimnis💌 und sichere Verschlüsselung🔐:

🇩🇪245 Wissenschaftler aus 31 Ländern zerreißen die drohende #Chatkontrolle in der Luft +++ "ineffektiv, Falschpositive, zerstört Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung, unverhältnismäßig, grundrechtswidrig, neue Sicherheitslücken" +++

"Zensursula plant anlasslose Chatkontrolle"
Patrick Breyer

245 scientists from 31 countries tear the EU's #ChatControl #masssurveillance bill to pieces +++ ‘ineffective, false positives, defeats end-to-end encryption, disproportionate, violates right to privacy, new vulnerabilities’ +++

Sweden🇸🇪 nevertheless votes to support today +++ NLD🇳🇱 and ITA🇮🇹 are yet to decide +++

Fight now for your right to privacy and secure encryption🔐:

245 scientists from 31 countries tear the EU's #ChatControl #masssurveillance bill to pieces +++ ‘ineffective, false positives, defeats end-to-end encryption, disproportionate, violates right to privacy, new vulnerabilities’ +++

Image reads: 'Messages
Your private messages will be watched. It's for your own good.'
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Catboy Cody :v_cat:​:v_bott:​:v_mlm::v_ace:

@odoben I use LaTeX at work... Let me just say that a lot of context and active family filter does not prevent a lot of NSFW results from showing up... :neocat_googly_shocked:
(Also searching for latex after work w/o family filter usually result in a lot of spicy equation pics... :neocat_googly_woozy: )

Willow "Wolveric" Catkin

@odoben Make it optional, call that the eDNA Mode... 😹

mikołajczyk, podobno

To comply with EU regulations on allowing 3rd party stores, Apple announces .DS_Store for Windows and Android! :anidab_right:

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@catsalad oh my god that file has been in my R4 for a literal decade and I just found out what it is

Only a :verify_anime: fl👀f. Ahh, ... if that is a #EU thing the .localized as add-on makes sense.

mikołajczyk, podobno

I remember being 7 years old and looking at the clock at exactly 12:12:12 12.12.2012

mikołajczyk, podobno

vscode just asked me if i want to trust " and all subdomains". can someone let microsoft know that exists

mikołajczyk, podobno
My take is that you can’t really complain about having Meta on the same network if you decide to implement W3C standards for federation, but your point makes no sense. You don’t give Meta any control over your product by deciding to use React. You can always stick to an old version or, idk, migrate to Preact in case React 69 forces you to add stories and reels to your app.
mikołajczyk, podobno

Jakiś czas temu poproszono mnie o pomoc w poprawie widoczności schodów przy Powstańców Wielkopolskich 2.

Jak wskazywano, schody te zwłaszcza dla osób starszych nie są dostatecznie widoczne i mogą narażać na upadek.

Poprosiłem UMŁ o oznaczenie krawędzi schodów kontrastową farbą, co zostało wykonane ☺

#Łódź #Bałuty #BałutyCentrum

mikołajczyk, podobno

This is a real result in Google.

The term #googling is going to take on new connotations, and they don’t care.

austria hungary in space
In 1889 Austria-Hungary conducted its
first manned orbital spaceflight using
a liquid-fueled rocket launched from
the region of Galicia. In 1908 the nation
successfully landed 30 astronauts in
the Phaethontis quadrangle region of
Mars, where they constructed a
temporary research outpost and
remained for one year.
Austro-Hungarian Empire | Steampunk
Space Wiki - Fandom
About featured snippets
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Reddit • r/austriahungary
Sand- a new Sci-Fi game with alternate
history space pioneer Austria-Hungary
7 comments • 1 year ago
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Not to defend google, but given that Austria-Hungary has not existed as its own entity for over a hundred years, what results other than steampunk fiction would you expect to find?

mikołajczyk, podobno

Gorący apel do tych, którzy mają szerokie jedynki: nie śmiejcie się ani nawet nie szczerzcie się ukazując te jedynki bo jak was wezmą za bobry to ... pozamiatane!

mikołajczyk, podobno

W Dzienniku Gazecie Prawnej ważny tekst Anny Wittenberg: kolejne problemy z dziennikami elektronicznymi. Tym razem kwestia profilowanej reklamy.

Czy używacie aplikacji do e-dzienników? Czy tylko Librus pokazuje reklamy w aplikacji dzieciom, czy inne też?

Prawo zabrania, Librus profiluje, nikt nie rozstrzygnie
Anna Wittenberg
skan artykułu
Rosną kontrowersje wokół e-dzienników
Anna Wittenberg
skan artykułu
Mateusz Turczynowicz

@panoptykon a już myślałem, że poprzestali na "mobilnych dodatkach", no ale nie. Ze względu na przetargowy oligopol z Vulcanem, firma do zbadania przez CBA.

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