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Whenever someone tells me their name, I enter my Memory Palace, stand around for a bit, and then say "what did I come in here for?"

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Em McDonald 🏳️‍⚧️

@andrewt I’d totally do the same if I could remember where my memory palace is.

Ari SunDog 🏳️‍🌈🌞♾️

@andrewt This is why I have to associate their name with some other word or rhyme, and sometimes make up a little dance.

If I dance out loud I can always just say well, I have to go to the bathroom.


@andrewt I just get a "Vault full: buffer overflow" error and realize after they've just left that I can remember them telling me what their name was, but not what their name was.


"this film makes no sense, why would anyone visit the fourth Jurassic Park when the first three ended in such death and destruction?" he posted on Threads


If you enjoy puzzles, Cell Tower just started Year Two, and I'm thrilled that at least one person still somehow has a perfect streak since day one:

and 3Doku launched more recently if you want a mathsier but more challenging beast:

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@andrewt I'm still so upset (with myself, for not reading properly) that I didn't realise that using a hint would reset my streak until after I had used it!

Ben Reiniger

I've really enjoyed cell tower too. I would like a timer, since if I'm careful enough, I can always get a perfect horizontal "score" path.

Jor ☝️😐 (en pause ⏸️ des RS)

@andrewt Hello, I discover Cell Tower, and find it very enjoyable. Thank you for this game. 🙂

I thought maybe the interface could be slightly improved, relatively easily, by :

1. allowing the selection of incomplete « words ». Ie words not in the dictionary, that would be shown differently (for example with an empty frame instead of a filled one, to show that the word is not considered valid). That would allow players to mark places where they think there might be part of a word, but are not certain.
2. removing the modal confirmation dialog « Remove WORD ? », to replace it by the default action of « Remove and select ». That way you can just single-tap a word to « edit » it and add or remove characters quickly, and if you want to cancel your click (and not edit the word), you can just tap « Add word » anyway. Strangely, I find the modal dialog « distracts » me from the game and is unnecessary. 🤷‍♂️

Well, anyway thank you again. 🙂 Have a nice day.

@andrewt Hello, I discover Cell Tower, and find it very enjoyable. Thank you for this game. 🙂

I thought maybe the interface could be slightly improved, relatively easily, by :

1. allowing the selection of incomplete « words ». Ie words not in the dictionary, that would be shown differently (for example with an empty frame instead of a filled one, to show that the word is not considered valid). That would allow players to mark places where they think there might be part of a word, but are not certain.

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