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27 posts total

The DoD announced it's going to shut down the Red Hill fuel storage facility on the island of Oahu, which has been leaking into the water supply and sickening people. Indigenous Hawai'ians and others have been agitating on this issue a lot lately, and this is a win for them


person of the year guy who steered a barge in a dick and balls pattern and then halted international shipping


happy international men's day to Momo only


I talked to a friend of mine for what was probably more than 3 hours about his marriage, which is ending. It sucked absolute shit


he has this frustrating habit of thinking of things as though he's in a movie. Like he wants to make grand romantic gestures and win her back. Or else be this tragic figure who is aggrieved and all alone, a la The Room. Or he focuses on himself and wins her back, but then she "comes crawling back" and he says no. Like he's fucking Rorshack. It's so juvenile


Behold my gorgeous and fragrant lemon pig

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