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2 posts total
Mandy Brown

We really haven’t learned a goddamn thing about female-gendered bots have we. (I wrote this *eight* fucking years ago.)

Mandy Brown

You cannot separate the ongoing fascination with creating femme AI servants from the ongoing efforts to restrict reproductive and trans rights. They are both part of a concerted effort to equate feminity with servitude, and to maintain caretaking as free and unwaged labor.

Tane Piper

@aworkinglibrary thank you for writing this - at the moment I'm heavily involved in AI projects and Tome of Voice is important, but just as much is now it's delivered - in essence we build "for the many people" so having things not be creepy or fake is very important. The persona will be something we have to tackle and your view is a great one to add to the design considerations

Mandy Brown

PSA to other folks who also frequently schedule meetings across the Atlantic: DST ends this Sunday in Europe but it doesn’t end until the following Sunday in the US—because if we’re going to fuck with the clocks let’s maximize the chaos and fuck with them at different times, sure, why not.

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i got into the habit of giving meeting times in utc/zulu and letting everyone's calendar figure out if/when DST would affect them just to avoid this. collossal pain and frequently shows just how broken time zone/DST support in many calendar programs is. whee!!!!

Eleanor Saitta

Right, that explains why I've got meetings so early on Tuesday. Fortunately I'll solve the problem on Wednesday by flying to the US.

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