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9 posts total
Coralie Mercier

#caturday #cat #siberiancat #MickeyRaccoon

In a makeshift zoo (behind the open gate, in front of a wall) Mickey-Raccoon fancies himself a majestic lion.


Coralie Mercier

#caturday #cat #siberiancat #MickeyRaccoon

Walking back from the vet’s.

As my friend Tanya says: dog software in cat hardware.
(Animated version from live picture)

Coralie Mercier

"Dites-nous un truc qui est une info relativement banale dans votre métier mais que le public lambda serait étonné d'apprendre."

Le géocoucou (celui-là même du dessin animé "Bip Bip et Coyote"), qui court en moyenne à 30 km/h, peut faire des pointes à 42 km/h !

(Nan, je suis pas ornithologue. Je suis juste pitre.)


@koalie Today I’ve learned that in French the Road Runner cartoon is called “Bip Bip et Coyote.” 😀

Coralie Mercier

@pixelfed is an actively developed federated (like Mastodon) image sharing platform (think Instagram, but open, ethical and privacy-respectful).

It’s getting better and better (it was very good when I joined a year ago), and pretty fast too!

Please give it a try and if you like it and wish to show appreciation or wish to support the project so it continues to grow and improve, you can back it up!

One-time, monthly or yearly donations accepted 💝

Coralie Mercier

#FundOSS! Fund alternative software respectful of people and made for the benefit of people!

@pixelfed is a federated social image sharing platform, similar to Instagram (and promising!) that uses the ActivityPub protocol (like Mastodon).
RT @pixelfed
FundOSS is matching OpenCollective donations for #Pixelfed, please donate if you can! 😁

#FundOSS! Fund alternative software respectful of people and made for the benefit of people!

@pixelfed is a federated social image sharing platform, similar to Instagram (and promising!) that uses the ActivityPub protocol (like Mastodon).
RT @pixelfed
FundOSS is matching OpenCollective donations for #Pixelfed, please donate if you can! 😁

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