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This is Jasper’s chair. He spends ~90% of daytime hours here. Just out of frame, an easy step across, is his adjacent, elevated food & water bowl platform (so the dogs don’t take his food). He turns 15 years old this month - sleep and easy access to food are his main priorities these days. He usually doesn’t drink from his own water bowl, he seems to prefer drinking from the dogs’ water bowl that is nearby, probably just to piss them off.

#Caturday #cats #CatsOfMastodon #photography


International #Cat Day happened a couple of days ago and this was Jasper’s official ICD portrait. He is indeed an international cat, with friends & admirers around the world, but he doesn’t let it go to his head.

#Caturday #internationalcatday #cats #photography #CatsOfMastodon


Strange bedfellows. Chloe normally keeps a good distance away from Jasper and his claws but those rules are suspended at bedtime when they have to share the limited space right up next to my spouse (the most popular human in this house).

#Caturday #cats #CatsOfMastodon #dogs #photography


Sometimes when we’re sitting at the kitchen table and Jasper is there hanging out in one of the chairs with us, as he often does, he’ll just reach out and sink his claws into the nearest leg. Which makes that person scream. Which then makes Jasper scream. Soon the entire household is screaming.🙀

#Caturday #cats #CatsOfMastodon #photography #BlackAndWhite


Throwback #Caturday to 2019 when we were still living in a townhouse near downtown and Jasper’s only outdoor time was up on the roof patio. The light & noise & breezy air up there always freaked him out wide-eyed for the first few minutes.

#cats #CatsOfMastodon #photography


Jasper enjoying some fresh air. He’s not allowed to be an outdoor wandering #cat (a condition I agreed to when I adopted him from a rescue group) but gets to join us in the backyard on occasion.

#Caturday #cats #CatsOfMastodon #photography #petphotography


Throwback #Caturday to early 2010, not long after I adopted Jasper from a local rescue group. He doesn’t look very amused by these Mr Potato Head glasses, but I’m sure he got his revenge on me later. His 15th birthday is coming up in September and he’s still going strong, though we’re both growing creakier and crankier as the years pass.

#cats #CatsOfMastodon #Catstodon #photography


Jasper contemplates his #Caturday agenda - wide open and full of possibilities - as far as in which chair or bed he will spend the day sleeping. Decisions decisions.

#cats #CatsOfMastodon #photography

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