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12 posts total
Laura Ritchie 🌸

Catwalk level 400...
(this sweet cat is visiting for the weekend!!! I am so lucky!)

Laura Ritchie 🌸

Did someone say #caturday ? It's double caturday here, just to cheer up an otherwise chilly and very rainy Saturday #catsofmastodon

Laura Ritchie 🌸

A moment’s repose on #caturday (visiting a friend’s cat!)

Laura Ritchie 🌸

My #caturday friend

I'd like to think he was smiling back at me. -definitely made my morning.

Laura Ritchie 🌸

I visited the sweetest cutie this #caturday Meet Sebastian who does high-5s!

Laura Ritchie 🌸

Moon!!!! So lovely!!! And sunset!! What another beautiful evening!!! (More description on the images)

Laura Ritchie 🌸

Today I achieved my goals ! Set a list for daily achievement of various things just to keep me afloat this term - and I did it ! and, AND the neighbour's cat came out to visit !!!


Laura Ritchie 🌸

Super sweet hedgehog was out and I got it on video!!! 😍 #hedgehog #cute #garden

Laura Ritchie 🌸

It’s a beautiful morning, full of possibilities. Hello big ball of fire. Welcome to a new day. #YesICan

Laura Ritchie 🌸

Oh what a day.

I wish it was Caturday again...

Maybe Tuesday won't be so Monday-ish

let's hope! 🌸

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