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184 posts total
you're free to share this image but I couldn't get it licensed for commercial or modification so please just enjoy it as-is.

Artist is Caitlyn Quirk.
I was with @lain at an Olive Garden and our entire evening was ruined when he launched into a diatribe against the waiter about the economic impossibility of "free unlimited breadsticks". Everyone in the restaurant stopped stuffing their face with pasta and stared at us while he loudly quoted Mises and demanded to speak to corporate to get to the bottom of this.
When you join Mastodon instead, do the following to keep your data footprint small:

* auto-delete your posts after a relatively short period,
* use smaller pictures when posting pictures, both small in resolution and with effective compression, like jpg at <70% or webp at a low setting.

Together we can fight climate change.
When you join Mastodon instead, do the following to keep your data footprint small:

* auto-delete your posts after a relatively short period,
* use smaller pictures when posting pictures, both small in resolution and with effective compression, like jpg at <70% or webp at a low setting.
if it is 2023 and you're not:

* using IRC
* using Mumble
* using Bittorrent
* using Matroska container

what are you even doing
picking up a few things at the store, anybody want anything?
I get to see stuff like that everyday. Muricans must be jealous.
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