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Baldur Bjarnason

The problem is that software programs themselves are textual objects. Code isn’t prose, but when it comes to parsing out structure, flow, and relationships, reading a program is an analogous skill to reading and writing prose. Video tutorials and youtube videos tailored for the rec algorithm are not going to be sufficient.

Useful, but not sufficient.

Baldur Bjarnason

Still, I’m not sure where that leaves people like me except that I will probably have to brush up on my old video production skills and add video to the mix at some point. My tendency towards writing long essays and short ebooks means that my writing skills are probably a very poor fit for the current landscape.

Baldur Bjarnason

(I started out on the photography/film/video/radio side of things before I switched my creative focus towards prose. My first paid media gig was a radio documentary back in the late 90s.)


@baldur ISTM the factors you mention may be limited largely to the US. Skills in reading, writing, and critical thinking remain important globally.

Countries whose economies are growing, whose educational systems are improving, and whose international influence is rising will fill the gap.

A number of countries in Africa, South Asia, and East Asia are poised for rapid growth. Look to emerging markets where "people like you" are appreciated and needed.

Baldur Bjarnason

@davenicolette Yeah, I’ve heard from people here in Iceland that things have declined (and our global scores in education reflect this) but not to this degree.

And, yeah, there is probably a case to be made here that this reflects a declining West, whose disinvestment in education is finally having consequences.

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