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Sarah Burstein

So, RSS Parrot is my new favorite fedi thing. You can use it to follow blogs, websites, podcasts, even Bluesky users:

Ben Butler

@design_law I'm not certain I should thank you for another excuse not to get around to cleaning the house. 🙂


@design_law @tchambers

what we need is kinda the opposite. apps that interface with #ActivityPub as easily as they do #rss. our advantage over corporate silos is that every article, podcast, song, video etc can be natively an AP item that can be boosted and go viral, while creators still retain total control and can see what happens in one place. that's our selling point to them to live in our world, not theirs. but that's only going to happen if the apps interface directly with their work.


@design_law you can also follow YouTube channels (yes, they have an RSS feed)

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