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Joshua Barretto

My city is soon to run a pilot scheme that's going to make many roads, particularly in residential areas, access-only for motor vehicles.

It's a great piece of #urbanism policy, but sadly it's riled up the usual conspiracy theorists complaining about '15-minute cities' and 'CCTV cameras' (there are no such plans).

I've noticed a lot of them putting up stickers with disinformation about the scheme so I've decided I'm fighting back with my own more colourful and (hopefully) eye-catching design.

Joshua Barretto

(I am not very good at Inkscape, sorry. Ah well: amateurism makes it seem more local and relatable, I guess)


@jsbarretto what does "access-only for motor vehicles" mean?

Joshua Barretto

@joshix It means that you can only drive down the street if getting to or from your destination *requires* it (i.e: you live on the street or you're visiting someone that lives on the street). You can't use the street as a ratrun or a shortcut, basically.




You should add the URL in text form next to the QR code. Also, I suspect some of the text doesn't meet contrast requirements - see

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥷☣️

Great idea! Increasing the contrast between the text and background would make it easier to read and more eye catching. Maybe make the background lighter and the text darker?

#Design #Accessibility

Joshua Barretto

@Blort @eniko Too late, it's already off to print. Good ideas for next time, though!

Apple Annie :mstdn:

@jsbarretto I've tried repeatedly to get my city to make my street that way. I'm two blocks over from a neighborhood greenway, which is car-restricted with many diverters to force them off, but it causes mayhem to the adjacent residential streets. And this is particularly gnarly on mine because it narrows to a mere 16 feet with parking on one side (which is ridiculous).

Apple Annie :mstdn:

@jsbarretto yeah, Portland, OR, supposedly bike/pedestrian friendly, but lately less so (the pandemic seems to have made everything worse, even this)

Joshua Barretto

@anniegreens Argh, that's a shame. Weirdly, I think things are the opposite way around here: attitudes have been reluctantly improving since the pandemic started.

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