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Jordi (Vascular Ensemble)


When writing by hand, I cross my z's and 7's, to the annoyance of many, I'm sure.

Matt :verified_mastodon:

@Jorsh @scruss me too, even though it’s less efficient! I’ve trained myself to stop diagonally crossing my 0s though; people just got confused.

Jessica, the Lavender Mess

@Jorsh @scruss me as well .. surely the most lasting legacy of my middle school German classes


@Jorsh @scruss Same. I also write my x's as two curved arcs, back to back. It was something my math teacher insisted on to differentiate between x and the multiply sign, and it stuck.

Chris Halstead

@Jorsh @scruss same, and have been doing so for so long I don’t recall when I started. Pre-teens I’d guess. No idea where I picked up the habit

Computeum Vilshofen

@Jorsh @scruss

That's the way they always were intended to be written :))

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