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Alexis Simon

@harriorrihar I'm curious about your process, do you colorize digitally after doing an ink drawing?

Jon Juarez


My work process begins with a sketch in Blender 3D, placing shapes and choosing a point of view. I also seek enlightenment. Then I draw over it, print the line and trace it with graphite. When I finish the original, I scan that paper to color it in Photoshop, and when I finish I think: what am I doing with my life?

#illustration #workflow

Alexis Simon

@harriorrihar Thanks! Very good idea to use blender, I should try that


@harriorrihar Me encanta esos colores que pones, que siempre me hacen pensar como en un atardecer tranquilo entre semana jajjajaja no sé explicarlo de otra forma!

Jon Juarez

@Alfarera jajaja! Es posible que todas mis ilustraciones ocurran en día laboral, es una idea que me gusta mucho!


@harriorrihar I'm a sucker for detailed renderings of "boring" everyday settings.

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