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Craig Hockenberry

Apple is usually very smart about the web. They wrote and open sourced the engine that powers the web on every mobile device, after all.

To see them forking the web in Europe makes me sad. When you lose the trust of web developers, you lose a lot.

And I suspect that this is just the first case where this decision is going to bite them in the ass.

They forgot that the first part of WWW is world.

Craig Grannell

@chockenberry I do wonder if the overriding aim is to make the experience as shit as possible in the EU, and then point to it while nodding vigorously at regulators around the rest of the world. Eradicating PWAs is beyond the pale – and at odds with Apple’s own thinking (eg web apps on Mac).

I’m not sure where Apple thinks this ends, but it is burning through goodwill at a terrifying rate of knots.

Konrad Kołakowski

@craiggrannell @chockenberry Firs of all, it's a vengeance pointed to the users, even if I'm not a massive PWA user, nor even a web apps advocate - I still use few of them, for example a niche local transport authority web-app to check location of vehicles and delays in real time 🤷‍♂️

Craig Grannell

@kkolakowski Yeah, but it’s all the EU’s fault. Or something.

Jonathan Gulbrandsen

@chockenberry they are just doing what they are forced to be EU. They can’t give Safari platform advantages on the web.


@jonathangulbrandsen @chockenberry They could allow other browsers to have the same access to platform APIs Safari uses, but they chose not to.

Jeff Johnson

@chockenberry “They wrote and opened sourced the engine that powers the web” is not really accurate. WebKit was forked from open source KDE.

Craig Hockenberry

@lapcatsoftware True. But they forked with an eye towards performance needed on mobile devices. In my mind, that was a new thing that no one else envisioned.

Chuck Skoda

@chockenberry I feel the same way. It seems pretty likely that most of these recent moves will play against them hard in antitrust trials.

And their privacy line wouldn’t feel so hypocritical if the exact thing being asked for didn’t already exist for the Mac, and exhibit none of the supposed problems they’re wringing hands about.

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