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Kevin Leecaster

How come your opinion on how much global warming we'll suffer from is a better representation than what my colleagues' modeling show?

Doomism is doing as much to block climate action as are the efforts of the fossil fuel industry, but of course everyone is free to push whatever narrative floats their boats.

@kathhayhoe @MichaelEMann
#Doomism #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis


@GreenFire The entire problem is that even the people that seriously know we are in peril continue to sugar coat it. Go for it!

In the meantime, Ill continue to what I can on a personal level which is more than most.

Kevin Leecaster

Fair enough, this short excerpt from Dr. Michael Mann addressing the growing doomerism is good antidote to help convince people that we are actually not doomed since we have the time, technology, and growing awareness such that we have the agency to save most of our biodiversity.



Sugar coat away.........................

Ill deal with the realism while watching everyone dance with the fairies.

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