
First, I like you so dont talk down to me.
Secondly I live entirely off grid and am doing everything humanly possible to honor theplanet I live on.

Thirdly, pussy footiing around will gain you nothing but more time wasted because you are sugar coating something that has a time line.

And fine if people can't face the truth. We will die because people are spoiled.

lastly, do I have any idea how long it takes to make trains????????????

We dont have ANY time.
The time in which we had time was in the SIXITES.

Telling people they cannot own cars will fall on deaf ears just like all the rest of this crap has fallen.

HUMANS ARE TOO SPOILED and the thing that IS GOING TO HAPPEN............Humans will perish.

So yea, sorry dudes, you cant have your cars....is the tough part because dying is going to be easier.