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Jaana Dogan :unverified:

It was mandatory to recover my mastadon login because no other social media seems to be relevant at #fosdem.

danielle 🏳️‍🌈

@rakyll that's kinda true for a lot of Software Folks EU-wide now I think - I only really see americans on my Twitter/Bsky feeds when I remember to check them.


@rakyll Same here!! But good to be back on #mastodon Really like it!!


@rakyll no more Twitter handles here. In one year, the speakers switched to mastodon 😊

M. Treasurer commandasaurus 🦖

@rakyll Delighted you are here and hope we run into each other!

Jaana Dogan :unverified:

@amcasari Are you around? I'm jet lagged but would love to catch up!

Andy Piper

@rakyll glad you checked back in - come get a #Mastodon sticker at our table to celebrate! 🎉

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