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Kevin Beaumont

2025 spoiler: middle managers at large corporations sucking up the water supply of Finland to use Copilot AI to generate PowerPoint pressos about their fake green initiatives.

Kevin Beaumont

2026 spoiler: Big Tech, having deliberately damaged the planet for profit, says that only their AI can save the planet. Earth E5 license will include 1 sip of water a day.

Duncan Keefe

@GossiTheDog Sign up for our upgrade program, where the water is actually clean!


@GossiTheDog The proles will use AI to summarize the AI-generated PowerPoints.

The Penguin of Evil

@GossiTheDog 2027 a mix of algorithmic improvements and silicon put LLM models on a single PCIe card. 2029 rows break out about lack of windows in data centre converted to affordable housing


@GossiTheDog we ain't got that much water :blob_smile_sweat:

It's super odd that I never see in the news how much natural resources and electricity all AI stuff actually use. Most people I've talked to have no idea.

Frank Bajak

@GossiTheDog how did I know that PowerPoint would eventually destroy the planet?


@GossiTheDog and the UN climate conference will be hosted by an oil corporation ...oh wait that was already 2023

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