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Taylor Lorenz

"At some level, this is just one of the asshole capitalists who are wrecking the world talking like the sort of asshole capitalist who would wreck the world. But there is a threat only barely latent in it, too."

Jack Wellborn

@taylorlorenz I often think about the phrase "cut-rate capitalism” as a way describe how consumer/price driven capitalism conflates costs with value, in that any lower cost is value. The thing is value is as much a function of quality as it is cost. A thermometer that isn't accurate is of no value, not matter the cost.

Queen of the Crone Age


"...told Tkacik, "a long and proud 'safety culture' was rapidly being replaced... with 'a culture of financial bullshit.'"

In other words, #enshittification.

Great article.

🌅 Ben Soule ⛱️:coffefied:

I would surmise when there is more financial equality.

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