Please choose from the two contemporary design styles for your wifi hardware: “rounded soft box with white light” or “satanic death cult blood sacrifice altar”
Please choose from the two contemporary design styles for your wifi hardware: “rounded soft box with white light” or “satanic death cult blood sacrifice altar” 45 comments
@sdw I'm going for discreetly 50s styled, myself. @sdw The second type always look like dead bugs to me. But like, unnecessarily aggressive dead bugs. I went for the third style myself. Dinner Plates Glued To The Ceiling. @sdw as a previous owner of the alter, and a current owner of a rounded box, I can safely say I prefer the alter, better noise management for the WiFi and the blood doesn't get literally everywhere @nthp @sdw And an access point works even better if you place it high and central on the ceiling, although this location might be good enough depending on the circumstances. It's really weird we live in a world where most private households try to cover their houses with WiFi signals from all-in-one boxes tucked away somewhere because they're horrible to look at, are broadcasting SSIDs at 2.4 GHz and their owners complaining about the bad WiFi quality. 🤔 @sdw I have always wanted to pimp the style on the right with warhammer figures to actually making it look like a blod sacrifice altar @sdw To me it looks like the white one is just a plastic box covering over a router like the black one @sdw Netgear likes to pretend their satanic death cult ones are modelled after stealth fighter planes but I think we all know deep down what's going on. @sdw biggest problem: at the moment, relieving your soul by installing OpenWRT is easier on some of the Satanic ones. I tried to find a proper low cost (<€150) OpenWRT flashable rounded soft box, but didn't find one. Motion to replace "you're either a Beatles Guy or a Stones Guy" with these two routers. |
@sdw either one of those or poor wifi signal, is it?