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Alaric Snell-Pym

@Edent is this best done as a whole new server - creating a separate account to your "main" one for others to follow? I mean, I am sure it *has* to be because you can't just ask your existing account to publish arbitrary post metadata your client generates, or can't extend your existing client, but should clients/servers be more extensible to allow such experiments? I mean, it's not too hard to extend email like that.

Terence Eden

In an ideal world, my main Mastodon account would let me attach location metadata much like Twitter does.
But, because it doesn't, I'm writing my own server.
It is just me scratching my own itch and proving it can be done.

Alaric Snell-Pym

@Edent yeah! Don't worry, I'm not saying you're doing it wrong, just that this points to a lack of extensibility in the existing things, forcing you to build a load of duplicate infra to support.your use case 😥

Matthew Exon

@kitten_tech @Edent This is a correct me if I'm wrong thing, but... my understanding was that every AP server will publish any content the client sends. In which case, I'd expect to do this on the client, i.e. the phone app. That's the one with the GPS sensor anyway. Then followers using compatible apps can see your checkin properly even if none of the home servers in between understand the data at all.

Of course, a dedicated website is also useful, especially as a demonstrator. It's just, given the above, I'm hanging out for cool, innovative, niche client-side applications to start taking advantage of the network.

@kitten_tech @Edent This is a correct me if I'm wrong thing, but... my understanding was that every AP server will publish any content the client sends. In which case, I'd expect to do this on the client, i.e. the phone app. That's the one with the GPS sensor anyway. Then followers using compatible apps can see your checkin properly even if none of the home servers in between understand the data at all.

Brian Hawthorne

@Edent @kitten_tech Maybe add location data to the glitch-soc fork of Mastodon, so all of us on glitch-soc servers will get (along with all the other wonderful features in glitch-doc)?

Alaric Snell-Pym

@bhawthorne @Edent ideally, add support for "pass on what you're given even if you don't understand it" support so future intrepid explorers can just modify a client, too! ( "currently listening to", "what I'm eating/drinking" and "mood" extensions come immediately to mind). Also, clients should make some effort to display any and all unknown tags they find in posts, please, so I don't need to do anything too hard to find out where @Edent is today 👍

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