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Terence Eden

Nice! My toy server can now:

✅ Record who is following it.
✅ Post to multiple inboxes.
✅ Generate a permalink for its posts.

It doesn't do:
❌ Signature verification
❌ Handling replies, likes, or unfollows (it is a read-only account)
❌ Showing number of followers, posts, etc.

Pretty happy with that.
Next step - a UI so I can actually send custom posts.

Terence Eden

Not the prettiest page on the web, but I can now Geolocate my phone and find the 25 nearest named places on #OSM.

Next stage is making a button to send that location to my ActivityPub server to send out a message.

(This is crappy code, poorly architected. Just a Proof of Concept.)

Terence Eden

I've just reposted a public status from my new location check-in service.

It doesn't handle replies or likes, but you can follow it.

Expect buggy and untested weirdness 🙂


I've tried following from Mastodon and IceShrimp instances just to see if there's a difference.

Terence Eden

@alyn oooh! I can see both requests. Do let me know what you find. Ta!


@Edent I've hit a 'waiting for approval' page again.

Terence Eden

@denny it takes a few moments for my server to approve. It looks like it has gone through from my side - if you refresh, is your end showing approved?

Terence Eden

It's all working!

You can follow @edent_location for my "FourSquare-style" check-ins to locations.


📸 Upload and store photos.
🔣 Set the language text to prevent spurious "Translate" options.
🖼 Make the interface look nice.
🔒 Better security
👨‍💻 Tidy up the source code.

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