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Ken Shirriff

Here's a schematic of the chip from the Motorola datasheet. The four toggle flip-flops (red) count the 4 bits. To count up, toggle if a carry; toggle if a borrow to count down. The blue gates compute carry/borrow if all 1's or 0's below as appropriate, causing a toggle. 18/20

Ken Shirriff replied to Ken

This diagram shows the chip with functional blocks labeled. The four bits are arranged roughly symmetrically. The toggle logic and carry-out logic are squeezed into available space. 19/20

Ken Shirriff replied to Ken

Credit: die photo provided by Martin Evtimov. 20/20

Erin replied to Ken

@kenshirriff this reminded me of an old Zachtronics Flash game, "KOHCTPYKTOP: ENGINEER OF THE PEOPLE," which was all about putting together CMOS logic on a layered grid of pixels. I never made it very far in.
Game website
Tutorial video for those who want to see it without trying to get Flash working

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