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this is how KiCad has been marking pin 1 on a lot of devices. yes, it's a silkscreen line that is slightly longer on one side than the other. because silkscreen never flakes away or gets obscured by a via or clipped by a fab vendor for being too close to a solder mask opening...


in my own libraries, i like to use multiple markings for pin 1. here i have a semicircle at one end of the chip along with a circle right next to pin 1.


anyway, i am very glad to hear that the KiCad library folks are moving away from the very confusing standard and shifting to something much more useful.


@tubetime I like to add a safe-guard by making all pad rounded rectangular except pad of pin 1 which is plain rectangular. Am I the only one?

Harvey Sandstrom

@tubetime Long overdue. I had no idea they were following a standard, its a terrible standard. I've reversed SWD connections a half dozen times because a coworker decided to orient the connector unintuitively and made no attempt to augment the default terrible pin one marker.

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