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But we have — and had — ample indications that this is far from the case and that she may be i) mentally distressed and ii) deliberately cut off from outside communications by someone who is a known dealer, with gang connections. We believe she is still in San Diego.

We have tried to provide further information to the Missing Persons Unit but no-one will return our calls. We have had no updates since we first filed our report.


My wife and I are distraught. With no communication from the San Diego Sheriff's unit and no assistance from the Australian consulate in Southern California, we — and our daughter — desperately need support from other communities to press the urgency of our daughter's situation on all authorities.

Her life depends on it.

Chris Kendall

@ccohanlon I’m so sorry, I can only too well imagine how worried you must be. It’s so hard to know how to find help when the authorities don’t respond as they should. In this you’re not alone. For what it’s worth this stranger sends love and good wishes.

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