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rain :transistor:

@gravitos i saw a “i would steal a car” decal on a car the other day

Franz Geffke

@gravitos the sad? thing is, that you will soon be able to download cars; And you'll drive them - in a virtual word - for which you're paying Facebook, Apple or whoever the fu**

Franz Geffke

@gravitos woah nice. old school! I wonder if that runs on Linux.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@franzs dedicated server runs natively, the client can be kickstarted with wine, and yes, the corolla from the original post is a mod for that

Franz Geffke

@gravitos now I just need the .exe; I guess there's a link for that too? :awesome:

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@franzs the multiplayer installer is behind a big yellow button on the site itself, but you will need a ready installation of grand theft auto san andreas (no piracy checks are done, the only real requirement is using a 1.0 US exe, which there are plenty around)

Franz Geffke

@gravitos it's real cool; Thanks for sharing this! I'll probably give it a go next week.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@gianmarcogg03 you've been posting stuff from here for quite a while now, i kinda expected you to have an account :blobcatsmug:

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