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Vagrant Cascadian


Also, running builds in the future can help detect time bombs before they happen so that you can fix it now, before it is a more bothersome problem!

I am interested in using this to introduce problems...
changing the clock, kernel, CPU, hostname and username is really useful for #ReproducibleBuilds troubleshooting, as all of these things have been known to affect build results in the wild.

Looking forward to playing with this, thanks!

1 comment
Ludovic Courtès

@vagrantc Yup, and reprotest has shown that this can indeed be very useful!

My ideal, in the spirit of Nix/Guix, would be to have a way to keep those details under control. But VMs are more expensive than mere processes in separate namespaces: we wouldn’t want to run every build in a VM. Plus that creates a bootstrap problem: how do you provision the VM?

For now, this tool should at least let us rebuild old packages.

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