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Ged Maheux

Price increases of the various streaming services since 2011. Ugh.


@gedeonm yup … really sucks … honestly I’ll take ads over some of those price tags

Shaun Dyer

@gedeonm They just keeping making piracy a better and better option for people. When are their huge profits not enough.

Granny Art (Shrimp) (Joni)

@gedeonm @harris when you consider that Hulu was free for the first howevermany years and then you had to pay to watch ads?

David L Schafer 🥭

@gedeonm I hate ads enough that I've resorted to shutting services off until they have enough shows to justify paying for them again.


@schafer I’m building an app with the same idea: just select what you want to watch and it will give you dates to start and stop subscriptions. (It’s in beta @Streamsaver)

Matt 🌻

@gedeonm Hard to accomplish but it would be fun to see a comparison chart which also shows the average quality of the streaming catalogue over time based on IMDB or Rotten Tomato scores.

…to find out where a cost increase = better quality catalogue.


@gedeonm So much for saving money on the cable bill.

CM Harrington

@gedeonm coincidentally also the same time we started to have non-near-zero interest rates.


@gedeonm HBO Max and Netflix should be reported at their “high quality” price to make them comparable to the rest of the industry that includes 4K in their plans.


Price-racing. They started a marathon, but ended up in a sprint up the stairs.


Aut but I was told "competition keeps prices low" and yet I never see that be true


@gedeonm You’ll be paying $109.50/mo. if you want to watch all the content carried on these services.

Oh hey, it’s cable! Except you have to pay the actual cable company to give you a pipe to access those services, too.

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