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Ada Palmer

New ExUrbe blog post: Tools for Thinking About Censorship.

This is a short distillation from my research on patterns in how censorship works, which I hope will be helpful to many fandom friends currently discussing the concerns over the Chengdu Worldcon Hugo ballot.

Mike Loukides

@adapalmer Great piece. Question: do we know (are there manuscripts, etc.) what the unpublished version of Descartes' synthesis was?

Ada Palmer

@mikeloukides We know in part yes, there are some manuscripts

Mike Loukides

@adapalmer Interesting--I can't read Latin at all well, but it would be great to see translations. Among self-censoring artists, Wordsworth comes to mind. (Although not with "official" encouragement.)

CyberCrone vibes 🖖

@adapalmer This is outstanding work. Thank you for sharing it!

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