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Glenn Fleishman

In February 2023, I helped @mwichary run what became the #1 tech book campaign on Kickstarter for his massive tome, Shift Happens. How did we raise over $750,000 in the campaign (and sell more copies later)? How did we deal with the expected—and surprise problems? I've detailed all that in this essay: Hard-won advice from this weathered campaign veteran.

Jenni Leder ( ͡♥️ ͜ʖ ͡♥️)

@glennf this post could be a book on its own. So much good information here!

Glenn Fleishman

@jenni Thank you! I have a partial draft of a book underway but so busy with other projects, this is my summary!

Craig Hockenberry

@glennf @mwichary A ton of hard work, but totally worth it. I have always loved keyboards, but now more than ever thanks to you two.

Glenn Fleishman

@chockenberry @mwichary CRAIG! Thank you! Glad to be the midwife on this.

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