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In modern times, when rich people levy taxes against poor people to support their lavish lifestyles, they don't use government to do it. They use corporations. We call these private sector taxes "profits", and we have been effectively sold the lie that they are not only just, but beneficial to us, and necessary for our economic survival.


Matthew Merkovich :clippy:

@hosford42 Thanks, Robert Bork. 😑 (Among many others, but particularly him.)


@MattMerk What, specifically, did he contribute to this awful endgame? Not arguing. I just don't know enough about that historical period to get what you're referring to.

Matthew Merkovich :clippy:

@hosford42 β€œβ€¦ an influential antitrust scholar, arguing that consumers often benefited from corporate mergers and that antitrust law should focus on consumer welfare rather than on ensuring competition.”

He’s specifically why antitrust laws we have on the books have been hamstrung in the judiciary, and why corporate mergers have become monopolistic, monolithic, predatory, monsters.


@MattMerk @hosford42
Yep. It's a wonder the public fell for the insane argument that oligarchies are OK, so long as they keep prices low. Just ignore the damage to workers/suppliers/consumers/planet.


This movement from government-instituted taxes to corporate profiteering was a direct response to the people pushing the aristocracy out of government and attempting to implement democratic self-governance. Corporations are the new tools of oppression.



We have to do it again. Just like we pushed them out of government, and replaced them with government for the people, by the people, we must do the same to the corporate world. We must tear down the apparatus by which they steal the food off our tables to support their luxurious lifestyles. We must implement companies run for the people, by the people: #cooperatives. Cooperative-based economies are to oligarchies what democracies are to aristocracies.


smitten It seems like they've been able to keep it up because the aristocracy isn't all that separated from the government. they are able to influence laws that weaken unions and worker rights. on an international level the US attacks governments that don't play along with corporate demands. so yeah, how do we stop the oligarchy and cut out the aristocrats from all of these processes?


Every chance you get, choose to do business with a #cooperative of which you are a member, instead of giving your money to a corporation designed to take advantage of you by generating profits for people who are already wealthy. You wouldn't move to a country where you can't vote, would you? Why is it any different when it comes to your purchasing choices? Don't give more power over your life to some stranger taking a free ride on the backs of you and your loved ones, no matter what form that power takes.


Every chance you get, choose to do business with a #cooperative of which you are a member, instead of giving your money to a corporation designed to take advantage of you by generating profits for people who are already wealthy. You wouldn't move to a country where you can't vote, would you? Why is it any different when it comes to your purchasing choices? Don't give more power over your life to some stranger taking a free ride on the backs of you and your loved ones, no matter what form that power takes.


@hosford42 I would love to go back to limited term and function of corporations. They have a charter with the state they are in, and things expire at a time or a project completion.

Indefinite life, unjailable "persons" is obviously a broken system


@ATLeagle @hosford42
That's an indefinite life, unjailable "person" with every Constitutional right that you have as a human - but with more money, influence and a never-ending drive to grow "profits".

We've gone and created an apex predator that is consuming us.


@hosford42 I would even go a step further. When walmart pay its employee wage so low they have to rely on snap, they are basically subventionned by the state, by tax paid by everyone. Double dipping in people pockets.

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