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Martin Owens :inkscape:

Well that's #annoying

#opensource chat server Rocket Chat decided to make their latest upgrade plain abusive. If you run your own, you are now *required* to enrole in a trial of their premium proprietary nonsense and it's likely the server is spying on it's admins and users.


Looks like #inkscape is going to have to move chat systems. There's just no way to regain trust in an upstream that is abusive. Not without forking away from the abusers.


@doctormo Everyone else seems to be on Matrix these days

the tower fairy

@doctormo one of my group uses Rocket OSS, do you have a source i can share with the admins?

Marc Jeanmougin

@crystalmoon @doctormo

it's in the release notes for 6.5.0 :

where "access to the workspace will be restricted" should be read as "will be impossible".

trying to login, for administrators, will look like

The automatic start of the trial of ee features was reported as when people remarked that it incurred a 25 user limit with it.

Marc Jeanmougin

@crystalmoon @doctormo

This bug report also contains statements from RC founder with corporate speech about privacy, but not backing down a bit on the fact that this *forces* self-hosted to register, give statistics, and accept the privacy policy and rocket chat corp terms of service.

Our fully self-hosted server now does "call home" from time to time to servers with names like "" (did not wireshark it) - no idea if it already did it before


Sad to hear, but thanks for the info. I was going to start reviewing my options for self-hosting chat servers & they were on the list.

Emphasis on "were"...



@doctormo I never liked Rocket Chat exactly because it felt like something like this would happen. I'm glad my feelings got confirmed, sorry for the inconvenience on your side, though. 😩

Fortunately there is matrix.

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