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Raph Levien

Another Xilem community blog post, this one by, setting forth the roadmap for the Xilem widget tree in 2024:

Some of the proposals there may be controversial, but I'm hoping that stirs passionate discussion. In any case, I'm excited about what this will bring.

In related news, we're now seriously exploring joining forces with winit for window creation. You'll hear more about that when we have something to show.

Erik Živković

@raph Cool! Currently my biggest gripe about winit is that they require you to run the render loop on the main thread on macos/ios (this might be a limitation of underlying objc crates though). I have some uses for running the render loop off the main thread!

Raph Levien

@erik Depending on the details, I believe this is being addressed. I think this is something the Traverse people want, and they're big contributors to winit. Also, Mads Marquart (another winit contributor) is working on objc2 and there's a strong sense of migrating toward that.

Keep in mind though, there are a lot of constraints coming from the platforms themselves in terms of what you can, can not, and must do on the UI thread, especially if you want it to be actually safe.

Erik Živković


Re people working on it: fantastic!

Re safety concerns: fully agree, it must be done within the constraints of safety - afaik the metal and opengl APIs don't have any problems running on other threads, as long as other safety parameters are upheld.

I'm working on consumer apps using mixed UIKit/SwiftUI/OpenGL with video playback and am looking to migrate the OpenGL parts to use . Initial tests are promising but I was surprised... (1/2)

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