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@1dalm @artemesia @jalefkowit

Plea deal BS.

It's an extremely serious offence they committed. Whoever made the call to install a "defeat device" should, of course never work in a management position again, or at least not until they have served some time. Basically, justice should be seen to be done. Or there is a high chance that the crooks will do it again.

BS when rich people can pay a fine to avoid prison, when for a more minor criminal act, a "poor" person would do time.

Dallas (Join Something IRL)

@ScienceCommunicator @artemesia @jalefkowit

Prosecutors have to be allowed to bargain for plea deals. You want to take the clean air act to SCOTUS right now?


@1dalm @ScienceCommunicator @jalefkowit

VW resulted in prosecutions. It is mostly the same assholes on the SC now as then.

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