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Captain Steph 🇨🇦

@Rush No assets, builds on linux only. The readme is quite fun to read!

Simon Müller :sparkles_trans:

@sirber No, this is the *code*

although most projects don't license their assets under GPL and alike

Simon Müller :sparkles_trans:

@IceWolf they had a custom license before from what I can read on the doomwiki, and source wasn't available officially outside of community archive projects either (?)

I didn't read super deep into it, a friend just told me about it :)

Florian Wilhelm

@Rush @IceWolf Wow I would have bet a decent amount that it was GPL for over a decade.. Maybe confused with Quake or RTCW?

Simon Müller :sparkles_trans:

@fwilhe @IceWolf from what was said, it wasn't unambiguous and in that sense official until now :)


@Rush According to this page, the Doom source has been ambiguously under GPL since 1999 (but it was indeed made unambiguous yesterday).


@0x10f @Rush afaik the older license (which can still be read in the commit history) did not allow commercial use:

«Prohibited Uses: Under no circumstances shall you, the end-user, be permitted, allowed or authorized to commercially exploit the Software [...]»

It was open source (as in "I can see and modify the code") but not GPL.

What's interesting is that GPL does allow commercial use, but they didn't edit Carmack's first paragraph in the README file, which described the old license:

«Here it is, at long last. The DOOM source code is released for your non-profit use [...]»

So now the README is lying!

@0x10f @Rush afaik the older license (which can still be read in the commit history) did not allow commercial use:

«Prohibited Uses: Under no circumstances shall you, the end-user, be permitted, allowed or authorized to commercially exploit the Software [...]»

It was open source (as in "I can see and modify the code") but not GPL.


@Rush Uff... I still have the original Doom 2 CD here.

Yaroslav Khnygin

@Rush I wonder if Rage / idTech 5 will ever be open-sourced.

Andrew Hoyer

@Rush Can anyone explain the apparent contradiction with the GPL-2.0 license and the text in the README that says "The DOOM source code is released for your non-profit use."

Simon Müller :sparkles_trans:

@andrewhoyer that's from before the exclusive GPL licensing, from the original release under the DOOM Source License

Stuart Longland (VK4MSL)

@Rush Must admit, I've got quite a bit of respect for ID Software regarding their game releases.

Release the game commercially, make some money off of it… but then make the source code available once they've made their cash.

That policy has meant their game spread virally across so many platforms. I played DOOM more on Linux than I ever did on DOS.

It also spawned spin-off independent games using the same engine.

I guess they could make a digital-download release of the game files needed to play the full game for a small fee, for those who missed out on buying original media.

They didn't have to pick GPLv2, there were lots of choices… but I respect their choice. I wish more publishers did this.

@Rush Must admit, I've got quite a bit of respect for ID Software regarding their game releases.

Release the game commercially, make some money off of it… but then make the source code available once they've made their cash.

That policy has meant their game spread virally across so many platforms. I played DOOM more on Linux than I ever did on DOS.

:mima_rule: Mima-sama Wait, I thought it's always been licensed under the since the 90s? I mean there's a reason has been available in for a long time... (Though only the engine, not the assets which are proprietary) ​:sagume_think:​

Mechadragon Yria :transbian:

@Rush unfortunately the GPL isn't Turing complete so it can't run Doom

Marcin Juszkiewicz

@Rush Doom source was already released in 1997.

Where is the news?

Simon Müller :sparkles_trans:

@hrw it is now *unambiguously* and officially licensed under exclusively the GPL, no more DSL

Marcin Juszkiewicz

@Rush does it change anything after all those years? Other than "but it is FOSS now"?

Whoever wanted to do own version already did. Whoever wants to do it today can use either DSL or GPL license as source itself did not changed.

Anyway, has nice explanation.

Simon Müller :sparkles_trans:

@hrw well no...but that was kind of the point of the post?

Reggie Huizinga :35mmil1:

Ubisoft: Gamers need to get comfortable not owning their games.

Id: Releases Doom 1 and Doom 2 under GPL.

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