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@ivory As far as I can tell, no, my instance is not showing posts I boost (via the web UI) again in my timeline. I boosted a post, then refreshed the page to see if it would appear; it did not. It's a stock v4.2.3 install from source (not Docker).

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink: replied to Rick

@JetForMe next time you experience this with a post, check that post to see if it’s coming from a non-mastodon instance. Feel free to send us a link to that post as well. The only thing we can think of at this point is you happen to be boosting a post from a non-mastodon instance and sometimes they do things a bit differently.

Rick replied to Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@ivory it’s 100% of the posts I boost, pretty sure they’re all mastodon instances, but I’ll check.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink: replied to Rick

@JetForMe ok. At this point it seems like you are the only user we are aware of with this issue. It’s definitely not ivory. But still no idea what is causing it.

Rick replied to Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@ivory okay this is weird. I’ve just boosted two posts that are behaving correctly. The only thing that’s different is the original posts were very recent in my timeline (less than five or six from present).

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