As planned, this morning I copied the Alpine Linux VPS into a FreeBSD jail. I didn't use any specific tools – many may not know, but FreeBSD comes with everything you need to manage jails right out of the box.
I simply performed an rsync of the file system and started it up.
Everything (almost) works; I do have an issue with php-fpm, although PHP runs correctly when launched from the console.

The best approach would be to transition everything to FreeBSD natively (or use bhyve to run Alpine Linux natively), but I want to undertake this experiment to gauge how feasible it is. Migrating this server to FreeBSD would currently be quite complex, whereas launching a VM with bhyve is so straightforward that I'm keeping it as a last resort. 😄

#FreeBSD #AlpineLinux #Virtualization #SysAdmin #TechExperiment