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Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕


We would therefore like to inform you which options you currently have.

- Payments are possible via Swift transfer of any bank account, also from other account holders. You only have to indicate your customer number in the reason for payment.

- Payments are possible via any PayPal account. You only need to make the payment through your customer area in Robot.

- You can pay by credit card. Also with that of a friend or family member.

-Only payments in Euro (€) can be accepted. Other currencies or virtual currencies are not possible.

Currently there are no plans to implement any sanctions on the part of Hetzner.

Please note that open invoices must still be paid immediately. If you have already received a second payment reminder, you can contact us so that we can check what options are available here.

If you wish to terminate your services beyond this, you must initiate a corresponding cancellation/deletion via your account at the next possible time.

Лафиэль Элентари

@mo @drq @a1ba @inexcode @kitanit @san
Мне тоже пришёл ответ от технической поддержки на мой запрос. Попросил предоставить счёт на оплату за 3 месяца.

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@drq @a1ba @inexcode @kitanit @san

непонятно што делать если я уже кинула туда 15 евро
Не потеряются ли..?

помогите аааааааа

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@drq @a1ba @inexcode @kitanit @san

Так стоп, получается деньги ещё не дошли...?

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@inexcode учитывая, что сказал саппорт выше, мне страшно :blobfoxcryreach:

@drq @a1ba @kitanit @san

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